Cerro Gordo ARES to provide Communications for May 19th Disaster Drill

May 2nd, 2016 | By | Category: Chatter

Cerro Gordo County ARES is asking for some help with their upcoming Disaster Drill.  Please read the letter below and see if there is a way you can assist.

ARES png



I am the new ARES EC for Cerro Gordo county.


On May 19th we will be having a FULL SCALE MULTI-COMMUNITY EMERGENCY EXERCISE.  this is an all day “disaster” 8am – 4pm


few points of info.

  • I am searching for anyone that may want to help us for the day.
  1. This could mean physically coming north to our county and helping man a station.. great practice!
  2. This could ALSO mean hams that are available LOCALLY in the Des Moines area to answer calls. (State EOC, NWS, and so on)

i would like any interested hams to Email me at [email protected] letting me know they would be interested in helping out, including a form of contact i can update them with as we get closer to May 19th

AT THIS POINT. I am attempting to create a list of hams that may be available on May 19. I more then welcome “MAYBE’s”

other notes

  • Most details of the “disaster” will remain secret in an effort to make things more realistic, this may include attempting to contact some hams that are helping without using things like cellphones and have them “respond” instead of already being here. much like them coming to help after a real situation
  • my plans are to use the mason city local “315” repeater for most activity’s in an effort to not effect any linking systems.

HOWEVER. i am not sure if the ICN will be back online by that point. if so. i would like a message to be relayed on the ICN system if possible.

also note: local use of the Des Moines “820” is fine BUT (assuming the link is working by then?) there may be interruptions during the day in the middle of a local conversation for a “emergency” (test) message from the drill to Des Moines

  • we also hope to have Williams tweaked and sounding great by the 19th. while we will limit its use during the day. we may hold limited short nets or contacts directed at local Des Moines sites.

JB Boehmer