Des Moines PD and Iowa State Patrol Cars Featured at 2014 Show & Shine

Jul 22nd, 2014 | By | Category: Chatter

S&S 201417

The 2014 edition of the Show & Shine featured cars equipped by the Iowa State Patrol and Des Moines Police Dept.  Club members were all eyes as they looked at the latest versions of police mobile units.  From License Plate Recognition to state of the art communication equipment, club members were very impressed.  We also had several personal cars outfitted with amateur radio gear.  The weather was great and the ice cream treats hit the spot.

Special thanks to Mark Campbell, WØGZR for making the arrangements.  Also to Lt. Adam Buck and Les Fish from the Iowa Dept. of Public Safety and Dave Lockard, KAØVWV with the Des Moines Police Dept.