Officers & Board
Officers are elected annually. The following individuals serve as DMRAA Officers for the 2024-2025 term:
- President: Dean Madsen, NØXR
- Vice President: Jason Walerius, KEØIAV
- Treasurer: Bill Claypool, NUØQ
- Secretary: Jennifer Mayland, KEØVVY
Directors serve a two year term with three director positions up for election every year. The following individuals serve on the Board of Directors:
- Walt Chivers, KBØWKE (2025)
- Bob Jimmerson, KAØOMM (2025)
- Guy Payton, KEØCHJ (2025)
- Byron Gustafson, KEØHJP (2026)
- Mark Globuschutz, KØMJG (2026)
- Bob Johnson, WØSMS (2026)