Bruce Brumm KC0ZMT is 2011 recipient of the Winthrop Mager Award

Dec 8th, 2011 | By | Category: Chatter

Bruce Brumm KC0ZMT, of Des Moines, was selected as the 2011 recipient of the Des Moines Radio Amateurs’ Association’s Winthrop Mager Award.

He was selected by the nomination committee for his activity in Polk County ARES, his role as a board member of the DMRAA, contributed hours for VE testing, and other activities. Most recently, he served as a co-chair for the Polk County ARES activation for the Polk County Marathon. As a DMRAA board member, he is a chair for the DMRAA Hamfest and W0AK Field Day committees.

The award was presented by Wynell Mager-Kisner, the daughter of the late Rev. Winthrop Mager, for whom the award was named after, at the annual DMRAA Christmas Party on December 6 in Des Moines. The purpose of the Winthrop Mager Award is to perpetuate the memory of the Rev. Winthrop Mager W0MJH, and to stimulate the activity in all fields of amateur radio in the central Iowa area. Any radio operator with any class license who is a member of the Des Moines Radio Amateurs’ Association is eligible. Nominations are due by the end of the November meeting each year. Nominees are those amateur operators that have shown outstanding support for amateur radio, promotion of the amateur radio service and have done so with the utmost respect for the community and fellow operators.

Look for more information on the award and the DMRAA holiday events in the upcoming issue of the Static Sheet.