Iowa Ham Radio Social Network
Jan 29th, 2009 | By Des Moines Radio Amateurs' Association | Category: ChatterTweet
Once upon a time there were ham radio operators known as Elmers. These were the hams that seemed to know everything or at a minimum knew someone who knew the answer. Nowadays it seems that Elmers are few and far between. For whatever reason we’re more likely to google an answer than ask a fellow ham. New members to our hobby have it even more difficult in that they often don’t know anyone to ask.
One of our newest DMRAA members, KCØZMX, has taken it upon himself to try and fill this gap. He has created the Iowa Ham Radio network, a social site for amateur radio operators across the State of Iowa. It’s a place to post questions about ham radio, exchange info and find out what’s going on with ham radio across the state. Take a minute or two and check it out. Better yet, sign up and join in the discussions. Perhaps you can be someone’s virtual Elmer!