Status of H.F. 9 Legislation
Feb 5th, 2009 | By Des Moines Radio Amateurs' Association | Category: AlertsTweet
KC9NXM has forwarded us a response he received from Rep. Abdul-Samad’s office (he’s the sponsor of H.F. 9 and chair of the subcommittee overseeing the mobile communications bill). It appears that there has been a modification to the bill limiting it solely to cellular telephones:
On behalf of Representative Abdul-Samad, thank you for voicing your concern in regards to this piece of legislation. First, I want to urge you to continue to do so in the future. Secondly, I want to update you to let you know that the bill has been modified specifically to cellular phones. I hope this addresses your concern. Thank you again.
Kevin Patrick
Clerk to Representative Abdul-Samad
While we have yet to see the revised bill, we believe that the elimination of “wireless devices” from the legislation will resolve the impact upon amateur radio. We will, however, continue to monitor the legislation as it comes out of the subcommittee to try and catch any amendments or changes which may impact our mobile operation.
A special thanks to all of you who posted emails regarding the proposed bills.