2014 Hamfest just around the corner

Jan 10th, 2014 | By | Category: Alerts

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Mark your calendars for the upcoming 2014 edition of the DMRAA Hamfest.  April 19th beginning at 8:00am is the date and the Elwell Family Center is the location.  Click here the DMRAA Hamfest Flyer 2014.  Tell your friends and remember we offer ARRL testing. Testing this year will be in the Varied Industries building.  See you there.

Table reservations

Tables are available at the DMRAA Hamfest for $20 for the first table, and $10 for subsequent tables. Payment is due upon entry to the Hamfest venue. Buying a table does not grant free admission — vendors will still need to purchase a ticket for admission. The DMRAA reserves the right to not accept table reservations that are purely commercial interests and not amateur radio-related.

No tailgating is allowed at the Iowa State Fairgrounds.