Vote confirms 2014 /2015 DMRAA board and officers

May 29th, 2014 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

Annual DMRAA elections were the main focus of business at the May meeting. After many years of service to the club and Amateur Radio, Dennis O’Brien, KAØDOS and Ron Hobbs, NØXWI have stepped down as board members. The club is indeed fortunate to have had these great guys in leadership positions. They both intend to serve on various committees within the club.

Club membership unanimously approved the 2014 / 2015 ballot.  New board members are Mark Globuschutz, KØMJG and Ron Overholser,  KDØTTO.

Scott Kirstein, NØOOD was reelected for another two years.  Kirk Nelson, WL7CLI will assume the position of Secretary.