DMRAA Annual Election at May Meeting

May 6th, 2015 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

Its that time of year.  The new slate of board members and officers is ready for your approval.  A sample ballot is shown below.  Please vote at the May meeting and show your report to the DMRAA leadership.



Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association

Ballot 2015 – 2016


(1 year)

President,               Bruce Brumm, KCØZMT

Vice President         Brad Boeckmann, WØELI

Treasurer                Bill Claypool, NUØQ

Secretary                Ron Hobbs, NØXWI


(2 years)


Ray Harden, WØRAY

Kevin Sanders, KØKDS

Scott Kirstein, NØOOD



Write in nomination:  ____________________________  Position: ________________


Present Officers

President  Bruce Brumm, KCØZMT

Vice-President  Mark Campbell, WØGZR

Secretary  Kirk Nelson,  WL7CLI

Treasurer  Bill Claypool NUØQ

Present Board

Scott Kirstein, NØOOD

Mark Globuschutz, KØMJG

Ron Overholser,   KDØTTO

Tom Reis, NØVPR

Kevin Sanders, KØKDS

Mike Waldron, AEØMW

