ARRL Iowa Section Appointments Effective April 1st, 2025

Mar 10th, 2025 | By | Category: Chatter

From the Iowa Section Manager Elect, Barry, W0IY

QST March 5, 2025


To all amateur radio operators in Iowa


Iowa Section Appointments


Effective April 1, the following appointments will begin.


State Emergency Coordinator

Clint Miller KØGR of Ames will become the State EC. He has been active in emergency communications and should be a familiar name to most hams involved in EmComm. More emphasis will be placed on district activities and coordination between ARES groups in adjacent metro areas.


Club Coordinator

Tim Busch NØCKR will become the Clubs Coordinator. This is going to be a very active position with a new emphasis on growing individual clubs capabilities and increasing their membership. There will be a monthly Zoom meeting with representatives of each club. This will improve communications between clubs where they can share their success stories.


Linn County Emergency Coordinator

Eric Watson KØECW will become the new Linn County EC. He has been very active in CVARC supporting the club’s activities for local events. He is the current CVARC Emergency Preparedness Director. Eric applied for a grant from the ARRL which resulted in an award of $4000 to be used for radio equipment in the EMA comm trailer.