Students attending the DMRAA 2016 fall General License class blow through the testing

Oct 30th, 2016 | By | Category: Chatter

This year’s general class was seven sessions long. Six weeks of study with some out of class work, followed with the testing night.  On test night, nerves were high; we all had a lot of effort invested in this project. Students were heavily encouraged to take practice tests every day throughout the class. This enabled everyone to experience a steady increase in knowledge as they progressed through the material. At the end of the testing, all six students walked out with General class licenses…… one achieved his General and then Extra Class license. The new Generals are;

Jason (KEØIAV)

Stuart (NØFAE)





Guy (KEØCHJ) – Extra Class License

The instructors were Mark Globuschutz, Bob Johnson, Ron Hobbs, Dennis O’Brian and Ken Tow.
