Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network Presentation April 25th
Mar 12th, 2017 | By Des Moines Radio Amateurs' Association | Category: DMRAA MeetingsTweet
Join us April 25th for a presentation of the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network
Presented by Matt Chenoweth, KEØIAT the AREDN is timely given the various needs presented by some of our served agencies.
Waveland Room, 7:00PM April 25, 2017
Plymouth Congregational Church, 42nd and Ingersoll.
What is an AREDN™ Network?
An Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN™) is a high speed data network built with Amateur Radio Operators and Emergency Communications Infrastructure in mind.
AREDN™ is self-configuring and self-healing. Where possible, AREDN™ will establish connections with as many other AREDN™ compatible devices (nodes) as possible and form a redundant mesh like network.
AREDN™ nodes automatically finds the “most reliable” nodes (greatest chance of success on packet delivery) to attempt delivery of the packets sent across the network. One need not know the exact path to get to the destination, only to know what the destination is.
AREDN™ uses commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware originally intended to be used for unlicensed WIFI and re-purposes it to fits the needs of Amateur Radio Operators. By using such common gear we are able to benefit from affordable pricing and easy availability of reliable communications gear.
By itself AREDN™ is only a networking technology – it provides the basis to move traffic around. It can be thought of as similar to a radio or a repeater, where the infrastructure is an AREDN™ node and the content that flows across it is one that the local users decide.
Networks built on top of AREDN™ are IP based, very similar to but not dependent upon, the Internet and operating under the rules for Amateur Radio operators. Well-used publicly documented protocols (IPv4) are utilized to provide the greatest flexibility to local implementers of these high speed networks.