2009-2010 Officers & Board

Jun 2nd, 2009 | By | Category: Alerts

The following officers were elected to serve for fiscal year 2009-10:

President: Tom Reis, NØVPR

Vice President: Kevin Sanders, KØDSM

Treasurer: Bill Claypool, NUØQ

Secretary: Tre Critelli, KAØFRW

The following individuals were elected or remain on the Board of Directors:

Bruce Brumm, NØXR (2009-11)

Craig Rose, KCØYHU (2009-11)

Dean Madsen, NØXR (2009-11)

Ron Hobbs, NØXWI (2009-10)

George Noble, KK7FM (2008-10)

Dennis O’Brien, KAØDOS (2008-10)