2010 Hamfest a success!

Apr 30th, 2010 | By | Category: Alerts

Over 350 people converged in Des Moines for the 2010 Des Moines Radio Amateurs’ Association Hamfest last week at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Several vendors and sellers were present to stock their tables with various wares, and several new hams were licensed and/or upgraded during testing. Forums were also held towards the end of the hamfest.

Bill Schemmel, WA0TYQ, was awarded this year’s Bob Evans Award for his contributions to the central Iowa amateur radio community. Schemmel frequently offers study classes to General license upgrades and also makes contributions during Skywarn Recognition Day each December.

Des Moines ham Paul Johnson KC0FFC, is the proud recipient of the DMRAA 2010 Hamfest’s Grand Prize, an Icom IC-880H. This dual band D-Star radio is valued at over $500. Not a bad return on a $6 Hamfest ticket. Johnson commented that he will be at next year’s Hamfest for sure!

Already, the DMRAA board will meet this week to begin planning next year’s hamfest. If you would like to provide any input, feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]. Also if you have any pictures you would like to contribute to our website, also e-mail them to that address.

Next year’s hamfest will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2011 in Des Moines.

Look for more information and pictures from this year’s DMRAA Hamfest activities in the upcoming issue of the Static Sheet.