Call for nominations: 2011 Winthrop Mager Award

Oct 25th, 2011 | By | Category: Alerts

The purpose of the Winthrop Mager Award is to perpetuate the memory of the Rev. Winthrop M. Mager WØMJH, and to stimulate the activity in all fields of amateur radio in the central Iowa area. It is awarded by the Des Moines Radio Amateurs’ Association. Any radio operator with any class license who is a member of the Des Moines Radio Amateurs’ Association is eligible. Nominations will be submitted to the committee in writing no later than the regular November meeting.

Nominations for the Winthrop Mager Award need to be sent to the DMRAA president no later than the conclusion of the November meeting, which is the annual chili feed and auction. They must be in writing. The president will give the nominations to the committee for processing at that time. Nominees are those amateur operators that have shown outstanding support for amateur radio, promotion of the amateur radio service and have done so with the utmost respect for the community and fellow operators.

Please submit your nominations soon!

Past recipients of the Winthrop Mager Award

1964 John Moffet WØSVD
1965 Lee J. Roy WØVUDO
1966 R.W. Denniston WØDX
1967 Robert M. Evans WØAUL
1968 Kenneth Woody KØSWE
1969 Warren Huffman KØCVT
1970 A.W. “Red” Kruse WØLCX
1971 Thomas R. Fergus KØQXT
1972 Dale White KØQXL
1973 Richard Witt KØIDJ
1974 Wayland Osborn WØRRG
1975 Harold Rosenberg WØIYW
1976 Bryon W. Mann WØSEJ
1977 Warren Bensley WAØITC
1978 Ray Stanley K5RRS
1979 Carmi Smith WAØJOC
1980 Gary Liljegren WØSH
1981 Charles Corcoran KD9UD
1982 Robert McCaffrey KØCY
1983 Ronald Kinton WBØMBZ
1984 Harris “Mike” GoldenKØGHD
1985 Bob Heitman WDØDOK
Marsha Heitman KAØJZF
1986 Jim Snapp NAØR
1987 Bob Jimmerson KAØOMM
1988 John Sawhill WAØO
1989 Al Peterson KCØKZ
1990 Don Boyvey KDØBG
1991 Harold Ober NØHZK
1992 Don Schmidt WØANZ
1993 LaRue “Irish” Olson WAØATI
1994 Leroy Koder WDØCZO
1996 Bill Claypool NUØQ
1997 Duane Bower WDØUCY
Melanie Bower KBØJSD
1998 Jim Case KIØIP
1999 Maggie Harmon KBØZBL
2000 Dave Johnson NØLVA
2001 Ron Hobbs NØXWI
2002 JoAnn Deaton KCØBTV
2003 Don Whitmer KCØWJ
2004 Mike Greenwood KC4VG
2005 Dan Miller KCØFRL
2006 Kim England KCØTHB
2007 Tom Reis NØVPR
2008 Lowell Abarr KB6SDI
2009 George Noble KK7FM
2010 Larry Vandewater N0BKB