Des Moines Radio Amateur Association, Another Good Year
Dec 28th, 2014 | By Tom Reis NØVPR | Category: AlertsTweet
Not too hard to believe “Another good year”. So what did the DMRAA do to be able to make a statement like this?
We started the year with a bonus for timely dues paying members,
Free admission to the DMRAA Hamfest for on time dues payment
Tech upgrade for the club’s primary repeater WØAK 146.940. Kenwood repeater, Kenwood PA deck and now has battery back-up
Winter Technician classes in Waukee
2014 DMRAA Hamfest a solid success, again!
2014 Field Day, predictable success, rain and all
Monthly programs, well-presented and well-attended
DMRAA provides critical support for Polk County ARES, both in manpower and financial resources. Club provides seed money for Safety Vest program
Fall Technician classes in Ankeny
DMRAA board offers a free T-shirt for 2015 on time dues payment
Chili-Feed / Auction great chili, nice gear and a packed house
Dean Madsen, NØXR “Mr. Field Day” receives the Winthrop Mager Award at club Christmas Party
DMRAA’s 2nd repeater WØAK-2 146.985 is back in Des Moines at Veterans Hospital