Only a Week until Field Day! Are you ready?

Jun 10th, 2014 | By | Category: Alerts

Come join the 2014 DMRAA Field Day activities. Field Day is part educational event, part operating event, part public relations event – and ALL about FUN! Set-up starts at 9:00 Am Saturday morning at Fort Des Moines County Park, 7200 SE 5th St, Des Moines, IA . Stations will begin operating at 1:00PM and will continue for 24 hours. You can be a seasoned DXer, new ham or an old pro, “Come on down”. Everybody is welcomed and encouraged to spend some time at Field Day. There is always plenty of food and drinks. The Saturday evening Pot Luck will begin at 6:00 PM   The club will provide burgers and brats. Members are encouraged to bring a side dish or whatever. If you can’t decide what to bring, we suggest bringing the neighbor and their kids!


Field Day 2014