Story County Fox Hunt, August 14th
Jul 19th, 2016 | By Des Moines Radio Amateurs' Association | Category: ArchiveTweet
Preceding the Sunday, August 14th Story County Amateur Radio Club Pot Luck, the club is also hosting another Fox Hunt, or hidden transmitter hunt, at 2:00 pm in Ames, Iowa. We request all interested hunters assemble in the parking lot at Moore Memorial Park, 3050 Northridge Pkwy, Ames IA 50010, west of Stange Road and the Somerset neighborhood. This location will work better for those hunters who want to ride with another hunter and then attend the pot luck. Hunters may be individuals or teams and the fox will be hidden somewhere within the Ames city limits on publicly accessible property. Everyone is welcome, even if you do not have an amateur radio license (hunting is a receive-only activity). If you have never hunted before, come to the assembly area and ride along with one of the more experienced hunters. For an introduction to Fox Hunting, see: The automated fox will transmit a series of Morse code tones on 146.430 MHz FM simplex for two hours (2:10 to 4:10 pm), with assistance provided to any requesting hunter on the fox frequency in the final hour (after 3:10 pm). For questions, contact Clint Miller at [email protected]