All entries by this author

Drone Demonstration Draws Large Group

Jun 29th, 2016 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

Larry, KAØFTO demonstrated his newly acquired quad-copter to an enthusiastic crowd of 34 members.  The evening began with a 15 minute flight over the parking lot at Plymouth Congregational Church.  The group the moved inside to view the pictures and video that had been taken with the on board camera.  This was followed with many […]

2016 DMRAA Field Day in the Books!

Jun 26th, 2016 | By | Category: Alerts

The DMRAA conducted another very successful Field Day.  The weather was typical (hot with a rain event).  A nice group assembled and erected two towers and three guyed masts.  The operating started at 1:00 PM and was in full swing a little later.  We had several visitors and operators.  Initial stats indicate over 1200 contacts.The […]

Go-Box Idea

Jun 17th, 2016 | By | Category: Archive

Any Amateur Radio operator that considers themself well prepared, will keep certain items in their Go-Box ready for the unexpected.  Beyond the usual radios, batteries, antennas and cables, we must remember the other items too.  While shopping at Northern Tool this week an item begged for inclusion in the kit.  For a mere $3.00 was […]

Help Needed for Tour de Cure Bike Ride June 11th, 2016

Jun 4th, 2016 | By | Category: Archive

Dallas County ARES is supporting the American Diabetes Assn annual Tour de Cure.  Bicycle riders ride from Clive to Jamaica Iowa and return.  This is quite an easy event to work and is over by 2:00 PM. Don, KCØMTF is looking for a couple of folks for next week’s “Tour de Cure” bicycle ride.  Contact […]

Iowa State Fair Parade, August 10th, 2016

Jun 4th, 2016 | By | Category: Polk County ARES Events

Sweet corn, steaks and the Iowa State Fair.  Polk County Amateur Radio supports the Iowa State Fair Parade.  Don KCØMTF will be coordinating our efforts again this year.  Please go to and click on Sign-up for ARES Events Nothing Compares to the Iowa State Fair      

2016 Dam to Dam Half Marathon

May 25th, 2016 | By | Category: Area Events

June 4th, 2016 The race is the same the route is the same and it is time to put the Dam to Dam in your ARES event To Do calendar.  Many of you seasoned ARES operators already know how much fun it can be working this annual event.  If you’ve never had the pleasure, now […]

Larry, KAØFTO to give Quad-copter Demo for June Meeting

May 25th, 2016 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

  Join us for the monthly DMRAA meeting, June 28th, 2016.  Larry, KAØFTO will share with us his experiences regarding his new quad copter.  A demonstration is planned. 7:00 PM Waveland Room Plymouth Congregational Church 42nd & Ingersoll, Des Moines  

New Location for 2016 Field Day June 25th

May 24th, 2016 | By | Category: Alerts

  Yellow Banks County Park is the location for the 2016 edition of the annual ARRL Field Day.  The location this year has been changed.  Due to construction of new shelters at Fort Des Moines County Park the Location has been changed to Yellow Bank County Park, shelter #1.  This beautiful Polk County Park just […]

Marshalltown VE Team adds Special Exam Session

May 18th, 2016 | By | Category: Chatter

Good Morning All,   I wanted to advise everyone that the Marshalltown VE Team has scheduled a special session for ham radio tests in June just in time to upgrade your license for Field Day or perhaps get your technician license.  Also if you are looking to upgrade to Amateur Extra Class now is a […]

Emergency Preparedness Business Summit June 9th

May 9th, 2016 | By | Category: Archive

Please consider attending the Emergency Preparedness Business Summit on June 9th at Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines. Share this invitation widely and encourage others to attend this important and informative event. See the attached flyer for details and registration information.  Click here for Flyer → Business Summit Flyer   Thank you, A.J. Mumm