
Are You a Doer?

Jan 5th, 2020 | By | Category: Alerts

I ask this question with regards to service within the boundaries of Amateur Radio.  A quick Google search showed: doer, “a person who acts rather than merely talking or thinking”.  I’d like to think that it is the Doers that exemplify Amateur Radio Emergency Service.  These are the folks that give up their time, usually […]

Bob Johnson, WØSMS Honored with the Winthrop Mager Award

Dec 10th, 2019 | By | Category: Alerts

Bob Johnson, WØSMS is the 2019 recipient of DMRAA radio operator of the year, the Winthrop Mager Award. Bob was in the DMRAA for many years before deciding to come back and be more active.  Since becoming more active he has taken on many responsibilities.  He has been very active with the DMRAA Education Committee […]

DMRAA Christmas Party, Tuesday December 10th

Nov 13th, 2019 | By | Category: Alerts

We’ve just finished a great ChiliFeed / Auction and next is the annual DMRAA Christmas Party.  December 10th 7:00 PM. You are cordially invited to join fellow DMRAA members, their spouses/partners and invited guests, for a special holiday dinner gathering.  Presentation of the prestigious Winthorp Mager award will occur during the diner. This year, the […]

The DMRAA Needs Your Stuff! November 26th

Nov 7th, 2019 | By | Category: Alerts

The headline is correct, we need your stuff.  The DMRAA’s annual ChiliFeed and Auction is just around the corner.  No we have the chili taken care of.  Yes, there will be quite a selection of Chili in various flavors and heat.  The only thing missing is all that stuff in your shack that you have […]

Large Group Enjoys Building Antennas

Aug 27th, 2019 | By | Category: Alerts

Make that a large Enthusiastic group enjoyed building a simple ground plane antenna.  The August meeting was a lot of fun and learning.  As members were completing their antennas, others were eager to test them.  No surprise, they worked great with low SWR.  The meeting was planed and presented by Rick, NØCFL and Bob, WØSMS.  […]

Record Rainfall could not Dampen Spirits at Field Day

Jun 23rd, 2019 | By | Category: Alerts

The many operators at the ARRL / DMRAA Field Day had a ball making contacts during the 1-day event.  The thunderstorm forced the crew to shut down during the nighttime.  The storm set a record of rain in Des Moines for June 22nd, a whopping 2.41 inches.  That said this year’s Field Day welcomed more […]

DMRAA Field Day Just Around the Corner, June 21-22

May 29th, 2019 | By | Category: Alerts

Field Day, the annual gathering of Amateur Radio operators will occur this June 22nd and 23rd at  THE FORT DES MOINES MUSEUM AND EDUCATION CENTER, 75 East Army Post Road. This is a great opportunity for operators who want to see what happens when one moves outside of their comfort zone and makes this happen […]

Wow, What a great Hamfest

Apr 28th, 2019 | By | Category: Alerts

A little bit of chill, wind and rain could not dampen the spirits at the 2019 DMRAA Hamfest.  They was plenty of decent quality used gear as well as a large selection provided by Associated Radio.  Of course the Radio Adapter Guy and D and L Antenna Supply saw a lot of traffic too.  Thanks […]

2019 DMRAA Hamfest April 27th. Time to sell some stuff!

Feb 27th, 2019 | By | Category: Alerts

The DMRAA is pleased to announce that we will have a new major vendor this year.  Associated Radio from Kansas City has agreed to replace Radio City at this year’s Hamfest.  We expect them to provide many of the same products that Radio City handled in the past.  Associated will join D and L Antenna […]

DMRAA Annual SKYWARN Spotter Training, February 26th, 2019

Jan 28th, 2019 | By | Category: Alerts

Meteorologists from the Des Moines office of the National Weather Service will conduct the annual Weather Spotter Training.  It is advised to take this training every year so as to stay trained for severe weather.  This yearly training is an opportunity to refresh your weather observation and reporting skills.  Please join us. 7:00PM Recital Hall, […]