DMRAA Meetings

October 27: IS-700 course

Oct 7th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

Jon Davis, KC0USS, training advisor for the Des Moines Police Department, will be teaching the IS-700 course to DMRAA members at this month’s meeting at no charge. For more information on the National Incident Management System, click here.

September 22: H1N1 in Polk County

Sep 8th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

Brenda McGraw (KD0EDJ), the emergency management coordinator for Mercy Hospital, and A.J. Mumm, Polk County emergency manager, will address the H1N1 flu threat. The presentation will include an update, protection and preparedness tips as well as the mission of Polk County Emergency Management and their role during a health emergency. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 10, […]

August 25: D-STAR & Go-Kits

Aug 17th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

Bring your go-kits and D-STAR questions to the next general meeting on Tuesday, August 25. Several administrators of the Des Moines D-STAR system will be on hand to talk about digital voice and data. Following their presentation, a show-and-tell will happen about go-kits. Those who have go-kits are encouraged to bring them to the meeting. […]

General Meeting: July 28, 7 p.m.

Jun 28th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

ARRL Iowa Section Manager Tom Brehmer, N0LOH will be at our July general meeting to talk about ARRL affairs and Iowa. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at Plymouth Congregational Church in Des Moines. All are welcome to attend!

6/23 @ 7pm: next General Meeting

Jun 11th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

Tom Briles KB0NFF will be our featured presenter at the next general meeting.

5/26 General Meeting: Logging for Field Day

May 7th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

Now that the dust has settled from the Hamfest, it’s time to get ready for FIELD DAY! Board member Dean Madsen (N0XR) will be getting us up speed on what we need to know to handle the logging for this year’s field day, as well as answer questions concerning the event itself.

4/28 General Mtg: “Buddies in the Caribbean” Dx-pedition

Mar 26th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

KC4VG is back from the land of eternal sunshine, cool waves and pile ups. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes (or what too take) on a tropical island DX-pedition, here’s your chance. We’ll even put a fancy umbrella in your coffee if we can figure out where to get them…

3/24 7 pm: Satellite Communications

Mar 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

If you stopped counting at OSCAR-23, then you’ll be surprised what’s happened in the world of Amateur Radio Satellites. Come join us as KoMDJ makes the trip from Cedar Rapids to bring us up to speed on the latest in extraterrestial communication.

General Mtg: 2/24 7pm

Feb 16th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

Can’t tell a wall cloud from a rain cloud? Don’t worry, the National Weather Service will be providing its annual Severe Weather Spotter training at the 2/24 meeting. The meeting is open to the general public (as always) and would be a great meeting for your friends and family members to attend. One note: the […]

General Mtg: 1/27 7 pm

Jan 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

So, you think you know everything about ham radio, eh? Well have you ever heard about Near Vertical Incidence Skywave? Our own Dan Miller, KCØFRL has, and he’s going to be teaching us all about NVIS and NVIS antennas at this month’s general meeting. 7:00 pm is when it all starts, at the usual location: […]