2009 Hamfest Wrapup
May 7th, 2009 | By Des Moines Radio Amateurs' Association | Category: ChatterTweet
Thanks to everyone who supported the 2009 DMRAA Hamfest. While the numbers are not settled yet, it looks like we had about 400 people in atetndance for our return to the Iowa State Fair grounds.
Both Radio City and WBØW were pleased with their locations and patronage and are both looking forward to returning next year.
Dan Miller ACØOF was the recipient of this year’s Bob Evan’s Award. This award recognizes Dan’s commitment to VE Testing, ARES and to the Amateur Radio community. Congratulations Dan.
The Grand prize, the Icom 91AD digital handheld was won by Bruce WØDMS from Lincoln, Nebraska. Thanks to the D-Star group for their demonstration table.
It takes a lot of effort to make the Hamfest successful. Leading the volunteers were the DMRAA board members. We also had several club members that helped with setup and teardown. Special thanks to all those who donned a pair of gloves to help. The Freeman Company provided the tables and chairs and we thank them. For events like the Hamfest it takes commitments from all parts of the Ham community, both in help and support, we thank you all.
See you next year April 24th, 2010