2010-2011 DMRAA board ballot set

Apr 30th, 2010 | By | Category: Chatter

The annual ballot for the 2010 Des Moines Radio Amateurs’ Association has been set by the nomination committee, as per the DMRAA constitution. The election will be held at the May general meeting on May 25 in the Waveland Hall at Plymouth Congregational Church, 42nd and Ingersoll in Des Moines. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. Write-in nominations can be taken from the floor.

Officers (1 year term)
President, George Noble KK7FM
Vice President, Kevin Sanders K0KDS
Treasurer, Bill Claypool NU0Q
Secretary, Kirk Nelson WL7CLI

Board (two year term)
Ron Hobbs N0XWI
Dennis O’Brien KA0DOS
Chuck Hoveland KD0SSH

Present officers
President, Tom Reis N0VPR
Vice President, Kevin Sanders K0KDS
Secretary, Tre Critelli KA0FRW
Treasurer, Bill Claypool NU0Q

Present board
Bruce Brumm KC0ZMT *
Craig Rose KC0YHU *
Ron Hobbs N0XWI
Dean Madsen N0XR *
George Noble KK7FM
Dennis O’Brien KA0DOS
* Term expires in 2011