Additional Operators needed for 2014 Head of the Des Moines Rowing Regatta
Sep 14th, 2014 | By Tom Reis NØVPR | Category: ChatterTweet
We’re a couple of weeks away from the event, 27-Sept-2014. Looks like we could use a few additional operators.
Please let me know if you are available. We can be flexible with positions if you’d like to change this year.
We’ll have the Polk County ARES trailer on-site this year and will operate Scorekeeping/”Net control”
from there. We’ll plan on using ARES simplex #1, 146.490 for pretty much everything. If traffic
needs dictate, we may put start/finish/registration on 147.420.
Please let me know as soon as you can.
Bruce Brumm, KCØZMT