Changes required to access D-STAR system
Jul 9th, 2009 | By Des Moines Radio Amateurs' Association | Category: ChatterTweet
This change will require you to make changes to your equipment to continue to use the W0SCI repeater, as well as changes to your registration that will prevent you from using other D-Star repeaters.
As part of ongoing improvements to the D-Star system we have implemented (what we hope to be) the final major change effecting users of the Grimes D-Star system.
As you may be aware, callsigns must be unique throughout the D-Star network. Any callsign used for a repeater, cannot be used for an end user. Likewise, there can only be 1 repeater with any given callsign.
Due to this limitation, and in order to be courteous to future users, we will be changing the callsign of the W0SCI system. We have applied for and the FCC has granted us a callsign specifically for the Grimes D-Star repeater.
The new callsign will be: KD0IAN
This new callsign has already gone into effect in conjunction with a hardware upgrade.
Your radios will need to be reprogrammed. The repeater will no longer properly respond to the W0SCI callsign since this change was implemented.
Your gateway registration has become invalid now that the W0SCI callsign has been deactivated. When the Trust Server Administrators deactivate the W0SCI callsign all users registered on it will cease to be able to use any of the network functions of D-Star (callsign routing, linking, reflectors, DV-Dongles, etc). You will have to re-register on the new gateway.
You can access the new registration page by visiting, and then by clicking the “registration” tap in the top left corner. The gateway status page is automatically updated and will show you link status as well as users heard within the last 24 hours.
Thanks for your patience. Have a good day, I look forward to hearing you on the air.
– Mike Waldron, AE0MW