DMRAA, PCARES, ARTS participates in Boy Scouts Camporee

Sep 20th, 2010 | By | Category: Chatter

Boy Scouts get a taste of amateur radio with Dean Madsen, N0XR, at the software-defined radio station. Photo by Tom Reis, N0VPR

Boy Scouts get a taste of amateur radio with Dean Madsen, N0XR, at the software-defined radio station. Photo by Tom Reis, N0VPR

The Camporee expected to have 10,000 Scouts and parents. While the weather degenerated during the day Saturday, many scouts and leaders visited the ham demo area.

PowerFilms of Ames provided a 2kW PowerShade. The National Weather Service also had a booth with us. Several local Ham groups joined forces to do the event. The Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association (DMRAA), Polk County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) and Amateur Radio Technical Society (ARTS) all participated. Polk ARES provided the emcomm trailer.

Thanks so much to everyone who helped for showing thousands of Scouts and their leaders about amateur radio. The weather wasn’t exactly accommodating! Yet we still managed to spark many smiles and pique a few interests. We had many comments that prove we are helping define our service and commitment.

Special thanks to Dean, N0XR, for bringing and showing the Flex 5000. Also to Jeff and Brenda for taking the “heat” for the weather. You are good sports.

Thanks to Heather, N0CALL for the great food.

If you have any comments or suggestions please let us know.

It is great fun to work with you all