FCC Plans for Increasing Fees – NO Updates Yet

Mar 2nd, 2021 | By | Category: Chatter

FCC yet to announce  their plans to proceed  with raising the fees for new and existing hams as well as Vanity Calls.

To get a better handle on the upcoming fee changes to amateur radio, I contacted the ARRL and W5YI today.

I was informed that there is no further update from the FCC on the matter of their new $35 application processing fee, but it was believed that the FCC would likely collect and process its own fee for new licenses, renewals, and vanity calls.  Right now, we do not need to worry about this fee, as the FCC has not yet set a start date for collection of such.  This makes right now a good time to strongly ENCOURAGE hams and prospective hams to get / upgrade their license soon.

The current fee for administration of testing by the ARRL is $15. The fee covers one attempt at up-to all three classes.  With any failure to pass a test, resulting in the need to collect a new $15 fee for the next attempt.  Basically the same as last year.

The current fee for administration of testing by W5YI group is $14.  They still use the same fee structure as the ARRL.

Other notes:  The FCC is going to require a valid email address on all applications, starting 01 June 2021.

George Riedell – KEØRG
Iowa Section Affiliated Club Coordinator (American Radio Relay League)
Director (District 3 Amateur Radio Group)
Secretary-Treasurer (Buena Vista County Amateur Radio Club)
Lake View, Iowa, USA