Fight for Air Climb Needs Operators April 10th

Mar 23rd, 2016 | By | Category: Chatter

The American Lung Association’s annual Fight for Air Climb needs a few more operators.  Polk County ARES has provided communications support since the event was started in 2003 in Des Moines.  The climb has grown from one building to four.  This is a great event to start the ARES year.  We welcome new Hams to participate.

This year’s Fight for Air Climb will be Sunday, April 10, located in four
buildings throughout downtown. This year’s event will NOT include the
Marriott – instead, we are adding the Financial Center into the mix, along
with the Hub Tower, Ruan building, and EMC building.

Please contact Scott, NØOOD if you can help

Scott R. Kirstein NØOOD
Emergency Coordinator
Polk County Amateur Radio Emergency Service
(515) 490-7414 (cell)
