Iowa Repeater Council News
Dec 18th, 2015 | By Tom Reis NØVPR | Category: ChatterTweet
We’re told that the annual coordination renewal letters have been delayed. Roland, KCØIEA tells us that a delay in upgrading the council’s software has resulted in delay is getting the renewal forms out. The forms will be mailed the first week in January. That said, the return date for the forms will be January 31st, 2016.
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IaRC Annual Renewal Forms
There have been some(many) delays in generating the annual forms due to change in various pieces of software, computer, and just too many things in my life with a higher priority. The forms have been generated, the mailing labels are well on the way, postage and envelopes are in hand. Time is still somewhat limited, however, expect to see the form(s) in the mail the first week in January with a due date of 31 January 2015. And, yes they can be sent back as scanned images(PDF preferred).
The forms will look very different this year, as a result in the change in software, we now have the ability to collect much more information that in has already helped in short spacing a repeater in Central Iowa with a Repeater in Northern Missouri.
Those who have recently coordinated will recognize many of the blanks as we are moving toward this for the final data collection when the repeater is on the air. Prior to the forms coming out a new application form will be on this website and will have many of the answers to “What do I put in this block”. I the data we are asking for is provided, the plan will be for a greatly simplified form next year.
As you may recall from the August meeting in Cedar Rapids, the IaRC will not be updating the ARRL repeater database used to generate the ARRL Repeater Directory, due to the very one sided agreement ARRL expected us to sign, as well as the requirement that all data be entered manually for each and every repeater. I contacted Rod Blocksome, K0DAS, Midwest Division Vice Director regarding this on 03 September, received a “I will look at this” response on 04 September and nothing else. At the present time the following states are not updating the ARRL repeater database; Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Wisconsin.
Roland C. Newton
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