National Parks on the Air event at Effigy Mounds National Monument

Mar 7th, 2016 | By | Category: Chatter

Rural Iowa Amateur Radio Club in northeast Iowa is planning a National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) event at Effigy Mounds National Monument near Marquette and Harpers Ferry in northeast Iowa.

We will be operating from the park over Memorial Day weekend, Saturday May 28-Monday May 30, 10AM-4PM.

We realize that there may be other hams that want to operate a radio for a NPOTA event, but didn’t want to go alone or don’t have equipment to setup a portable station. Because of that, we are opening up this activation to any other hams that want to come and join us.

Due to space and other park restrictions, we think we will only be able to have 2 HF stations running at a given time. We will have those setup, so you would only need to come and operate the radio. I don’t have details on bands/frequencies we are going to operate at this time, I’m just gathering a list of those that want to come help operate during this period at this time.

Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in participating and we can figure out a timeframe that will work for both of us. You can operate the radio as much time as you want. We also anticipate some interest from the public, so you can spend time talking with them and explaining amateur radio. We will have handouts for the public.


NP on the air