W0AK packet station back up and running

Apr 9th, 2012 | By | Category: Chatter

After years of operating from the old Nursing School building at Lutheran Hospital the equipment had to be removed. Last fall Lutheran Hospital made the decision to tear down the old building. Other than being used for storage, the DMRAA Packet station was about the only thing operational in the building. While we were displaced from the old building we were not left out in the cold; we are now located in the “Penthouse.” While moving the equipment was not something we wanted to do, I feel the move was for the best.

The equipment is now located in a climate controlled room, running on the hospital’s emergency backed up power system and the antennas are at a higher elevation then before. Dean Madsen, N0XR went through the
equipment and it has been cleaned, serviced and upgraded in some cases. On Saturday March 10th Dean Madsen, N0XR, Bob Jimmerson, KA0OMM Bill Spencer, KC0LUL and Kirk Nelson, WL7CLI hoisted and installed the equipment.

It is now operating on 147.555, 145.010 and 446.025. Dean Madsen, N0XR is still trouble shooting 147.450 and the 9600 port.