Field Day: June 27th – 28th

May 7th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Events

Spring has sprung and the Hamfest is over. The mind of every radio-loving amateur now turns to one of our favorite events, Field Day. The DMRAA and ARTS clubs will again be jointly conducting Field Day operations at the Jolly Boat shelter in Big Creek State Park, just west of Polk City.

What is Field Day? Field Day is sponsored by the ARRL and is the culmination of Amateur Radio Week. It is a publicly-held training exercise that helps radio amateurs prepare for emergencies. Skilled work and planning is required to select radio equipment, frequencies, and antennas to facilitate operating under less-than-ideal conditions.

During Field Day, operators set up in local parks, at shopping malls, or even in their own backyards, and get on the air using generators or battery power. Field Day was designed to test operators’ abilities to set up and operate portable stations under emergency conditions such as the loss of electricity. During the weekend, radio operators
then try to contact as many other Field Day stations as possible.

“We want the community to know that in the event of an emergency, we will be ready to assist in any way we can, says Tom Reis, DMRAA President. “While people often think that cell phones or other communications technologies have replaced ham radio, we can
still provide an important communications service that others can’t.”

Field day is also fun! Attendees will have a chance to try new or different radios, build friendships with other radio amateurs, learn new skills, and make contacts with people around the world. Everyone is welcome to attend, from the serious contester to the unlicensed newcomer.

We hope that anyone who is interested in seeing what Amateur Radio
is all about will come out for Field Day.