DMRAA Elections and Dayton Review for May Meeting
Apr 29th, 2016 | By Des Moines Radio Amateurs' Association | Category: DMRAA MeetingsTweet
Join us for the May 24th meeting and club elections. This annual meeting is the time for the club’s membership to vote on the slate of officers and board members for the coming year. The elections will be followed by an informal discussion about the latest and greatest from the Hamvention in Dayton.
The Nomination Committee has proposed the following ballot. However, “write-in” nominations are allowed at the meeting.
Officers (one year term)
- President: Bruce Brumm, KCØZMT
- Vice President: Brad Boeckmann, NØELI
- Treasurer: Bill Claypool, NUØQ
- Secretary: Lisa Payton, KNØWME
Officers (two year term)
- Mark Globuschutz, KØMJG
- Scott Kirstein, NØOOD
- Ron Overholser, KDØTTO
May 24th, 2016 7:00 PM
Waveland Room
Plymouth Congregational Church
42nd & Ingersoll, Des Moines