Now is the time to submit your table reservations for the 2025 Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association Hamfest by completing the electronic form on our website. The webform will send an email to the person reserving the table (check your spam filter) and the hamfest committee. No payment is due until you arrive at the […]
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The general meeting of the DMRAA is held the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Fort Des Moines Museum & Education Center on 75 East Army Post Road in Des Moines, IA. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. and last for approximately an hour. Meetings are free and you do not have to be a licensed ham to attend our meetings.
Meetings of the board and officers are held on the first Tuesday of the month at the Fort Des Moines Museum & Education Center on 75 East Army Post Road in Des Moines, IA starting at 7 p.m.
Use the contact page to contact the DMRAA for more information on the club's meetings and events.

DMRAA Meetings

The March meeting of the Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association will be held 7:00pm Tuesday March 25th, 2025 at the ...
DMRAA Events

Now is the time to submit your table reservations for the 2025 Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association Hamfest by completing ...
VE Testing
VE TESTING DATES; POLK COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS; 01/21/2024 1:00 pm Johnston Supply Class Room in West Des Moines. 02/04/2024 1:00m ...

The Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association is structured so that the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary along with the three of the six director positions are up for election annually with the election traditionally occurring during the May meeting. Any licensed amateur that has been a member of the club in good […]

From the Iowa Section Manager Elect, Barry, W0IY QST March 5, 2025 To all amateur radio operators in Iowa Iowa Section Appointments Effective April 1, the following appointments will begin. State Emergency Coordinator Clint Miller KØGR of Ames will become the State EC. He has been active in emergency communications and […]