DMRAA Club Election 05/22/25 – Call for Nominations

Mar 20th, 2025 | By | Category: Chatter, Club Business

The Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association is structured so that the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary along with the three of the six director positions are up for election annually with the election traditionally occurring during the May meeting. Any licensed amateur that has been a member of the club in good standing for a minimum of one year is eligible to serve. Anyone interested in serving should contact a member of the nominating committee:

Byron Gustafson, KEØHJP [email protected]
Mark Globuschutz, KØMJG [email protected]
Bob Johnson, WØSMS [email protected]

Board meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month 7:00pm at the Fort Des Moines Museum and Education Center.