Club Business

2024 DMRAA Election Results

May 30th, 2024 | By | Category: Chatter, Club Business

Congratulations to the following members that were elected as an officer or director on the board of the Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association. President Dean Madsen, N0XR Vice President Jason Walerius, KE0IAV Secretary Jennifer Mayland, KE0VVY Treasurer Bill Claypool, NU0Q Director/Board Member Mark Globuschutz, K0MJG Bob Johnson, W0SMS Byron Gustafson, KE0HJP

DMRAA Meeting Tuesday 05/28/2024, 7:00PM, Fort Des Moines Museum & Education Center

May 16th, 2024 | By | Category: Club Business, DMRAA Meetings

The May meeting of the Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association will be held 7:00pm Tuesday May 28th, 2024 at the Fort Des Moines Museum and Education Center 75 E Army Post Rd, Des Moines, IA. First order of business will be the election of officers and board members.  All members in good standing that have […]

DMRAA Club Election 05/28/24 – Call for Nominations

Mar 3rd, 2024 | By | Category: Chatter, Club Business, Uncategorized

The Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association is structured so that the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary along with the three of the six director positions are up for election annually with the election traditionally occurring during the May meeting. Any licensed amateur that has been a member of the club in good […]

2023 Winthrop Mager Award: Call For Nominations

Sep 11th, 2023 | By | Category: Chatter, Club Business

The purpose of the Winthrop Mager Award is to perpetuate the memory of the Reverend Winthrop M. Mager WØMJH, and to stimulate the activity in all fields of Amateur Radio in the Central Iowa Area. It is awarded by the Des Moines Radio Amateur Association, Des Moines, Iowa. Any radio operator with any class license […]

DMRAA Fall 2022 Survey Results

Sep 7th, 2022 | By | Category: Chatter, Club Business, DMRAA Meetings

Please find an abbreviated version of our recently conducted fall survey attached to this post. The board will be reviewing these items during upcoming meetings and making changes as necessary. The first change will be an increase in email notifications of meetings and events. A notification will be sent several days in advance of a […]

DMRAA Board Election Scheduled for May

Apr 5th, 2022 | By | Category: Chatter, Club Business

The DMRAA board elections will be held at the May membership meeting.  If any licensed amateur in good standing with the club that has been a member for at least a year is interested in serving in any capacity on the board, that person should reach out to Ray, W0RAY, by email ([email protected]).  This is […]

Club Station Steering Committee Being Formed

Apr 17th, 2021 | By | Category: Club Business

If you are interested in helping to steer the development of the club station at Fort Des Moines please reach out to Bob, W0SMS