All entries by this author

2009-2010 Officers & Board

Jun 2nd, 2009 | By | Category: Alerts

It was unanimous. All members in good standing at the May 2009 general meeting voted to install the entire ballot of officers and board members. Click on the title to see who they are!

8/2/09: Summerfest 2009

Jun 1st, 2009 | By | Category: Area Events

Summerfest 2009 sponsored by the Cedar Valley ARC will be held in the Cedar Rapids, IA Teamsters Hall. See for more info.

5/30: Tailgate in Orient, IA

May 19th, 2009 | By | Category: Area Events

This coming Saturday, May 30th,2009, in Orient, Iowa will be a tailgate where you can sell some of that stuff you got at the Hamfest! 2 miles from Orient and 7 miles south of Greenfield,Ia on highway 25 (3026 highway 25) Coffee and donuts and rest room. There’s a lot of room so bring it […]

Dam to Dam – May 30

May 17th, 2009 | By | Category: Polk County ARES Events

The Polk County ARES needs your help for the Dam to Dam. This is the 30th year anniversary run, and there will be a lot more people participating. That means a lot more chances for something to go wrong. They really need out help. Contact Craig Long at [email protected].

We need YOUR vote: Nominations for 2009 – 2010 Officers and Board of Directors

May 7th, 2009 | By | Category: Alerts

Calling all DMRAA members! During the May 26th General Meeting we need YOU to come and vote for the 2009-10 Officers and Board of Directors. Click on the title above to take a look at the current ballot.

2009 Hamfest Wrapup

May 7th, 2009 | By | Category: Chatter

Thanks to everyone who supported the 2009 DMRAA Hamfest.  While the numbers are not settled yet, it looks like we had about 400 people in atetndance for our return to the Iowa State Fair grounds. Both Radio City and WBØW were pleased with their locations and patronage and are both looking forward to returning next […]

Field Day: June 27th – 28th

May 7th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Events

The DMRAA and ARTS clubs will be jointly conducting Field Day operations at the Jolly Boat shelter in Big Creek State Park, just west of Polk City.

5/26 General Meeting: Logging for Field Day

May 7th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

Now that the dust has settled from the Hamfest, it’s time to get ready for FIELD DAY! Board member Dean Madsen (N0XR) will be getting us up speed on what we need to know to handle the logging for this year’s field day, as well as answer questions concerning the event itself.

4/28 General Mtg: “Buddies in the Caribbean” Dx-pedition

Mar 26th, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

KC4VG is back from the land of eternal sunshine, cool waves and pile ups. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes (or what too take) on a tropical island DX-pedition, here’s your chance. We’ll even put a fancy umbrella in your coffee if we can figure out where to get them…

3/24 7 pm: Satellite Communications

Mar 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: DMRAA Meetings

If you stopped counting at OSCAR-23, then you’ll be surprised what’s happened in the world of Amateur Radio Satellites. Come join us as KoMDJ makes the trip from Cedar Rapids to bring us up to speed on the latest in extraterrestial communication.